GH Builders Guild

The GH Builders Guild is dedicated to creating public bases for Hub colonies, special events, and major projects. The GHBG creates builds, assists other chapters with building needs, researches and develops new building techniques, helps train interested builders, and catalogues Hub builds.

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Directed by: ItalicInterloper

GH Geological Surveyors

The GH Geological Surveyors is a chapter dedicated to locating S or A-class hotspots, mineral deposits, and gas clouds within the Galactic Hub. Their work will be of direct and immediate benefit to the formation of new mining sites, colonies, individual player bases, and more.

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Directed by: Chief Geological Officer mathfreak2

GH Star League

The GH Star League is the competitive simulation sports organization sponsored by the Galactic Hub. "Simulation Sports" is the umbrella category for any form of live-multiplayer or time-trial-based competitive event in No Man's Sky, such as mutually-agreed-upon player-versus-player (PVP) battles, exocraft racing, on-foot racing, starship battles, and many other possible events.

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(Note: This is a volunteer form to help organize multiplayer events. To participate in events, just show up! Click here for details.)
Directed by: Director AugmentEcho

GH Exobiology Corps

The GH Exobiology Corps is an official research subdivision of the Galactic Hub Project dedicated to exploration, discovery, and documentation of Fauna and Flora.

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Directed by: Lead Exobiologist Phaedrus29

GH Ship Hunters

The GH Ship Hunters is a chapter dedicated to exploration, discovery, and documentation of starships, freighters and multitools. The GHSH continues a longstanding tradition in the Galactic Hub of locating and documenting desirable possessions for other players. In this, they are the successors to one of the oldest benefits of the Galactic Hub, one which predates any sort of "conventional" multiplayer features.

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Directed by: Brigantine ApexFatality


GH Defense Force

The GH Defense Force is dedicated to policing the Galactic Hub, maintaining peace outside the Hub as appropriate (particularly during weekend events and at crucial update sites like the Living Ship planet), and occasionally intelligence gathering or other military applications. The GHDF has gained both widespread fame among the legitimate community and infamy among trolls and would-be disruptors. GHDF Officers have official uniforms, training events, private communications channels, and more to facilitate their peacekeeping mission.

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Directed by: Head Security Officer MrJordanMurphy

Hublic Broadcasting Service

The Hublic Broadcasting Service is a media production studio, dedicated to producing GH-related media and reaching out to NMS content creators to get them involved with the Hub. The HBS focuses on video media, although they also produce promotional and informational images and other content as well.

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Directed by: Lead Director GizmoKhan

GH Treasury Department

The GH Treasury Department is an official legislative and executive department tasked with ensuring the smooth functioning of the HubCoin economy. The Treasury is also the primary driver behind many multiplayer social events.

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Directed by: Secretary of the Treasury Eight_of_Dragons